The Foundation stacks are Stacks addons for RapidWeaver. Think of stacks as LEGO for web designers. You have access to over 120+ drag and drop widgets to build your websites. The best part is that the code generated will be indistinguishable from a hand coded website.
Powered by the Foundation Framework, and the latest technologies to sky rocket your site into the modern era. Not to mention that it's built for speed!
The combination of RapidWeaver and Stacks makes for the best web design software for Mac. Foundation stacks' intuitive drag & drop interface allows you to build better websites in less time.
Using Foundation stacks is more than just software. At Weaver's Space, we have an amazing community of users that is one of the most helpful and friendly places to hangout online. We have weekly online events as well as a yearly conference. These events allow to teach, learn and have fun with your fellow web designers.
Stop paying every month for a web design tool! Foundation stacks is a software that you pay for once, and work on as many projects as you need.
There is a wonderful ecosystem built around the Foundation stacks. Some designers have release some pre-made/done for you website templates that will blow your mind. All you need to do is insert your content. There are a ton of amazing addons from Weaver's Space and other developers that can be used in combination with Foundation stacks.